
Chaplet of Seven Sorrows


According to St. Bridget of
Sweden (1303-1373), seven promises were made to those who medidate on
Our Lady’s Tears and Dolors. The Blessed Virgin grants seven graces to
the souls who honor her daily by saying seven Hail Marys while
meditating on her tears and dolors. (Please find the promises at the bottom of the page)

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Act of Contrition

O Lord Jesus, love of our souls, who, for the great love with which You loved us, willed not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live, I grieve from the bottom of my heart that I offended You, my most loving Father & Redeemer, to whom all sin is infinitely displeasing, who so loved that You shed Your blood for me, & endured the bitter torments of a most cruel death.  O my God my infinite Goodness, would that I never offended you.  Pardon me O Lord Jesus, as I most humbly implore Your mercy.  Have pity on a sinner of whom Your blood pleads before the face of the earth.

O merciful & forgiving Lord, for the love of You, I forgive all who have ever offended me.  I firmly resolve to forsake & flee from All sins, & to avoid the occasions of them, to confess in bitterness of spirit, all those Sins which I committed against your own Sake, above all things & forever, grant me grace so to do most gracious Lord. Amen.

3 Hail Mary’s for the tears of our Blessed Mother

1- First Sorrow- The Prophecy of Simeon.  (Luke 2: 25-35)
 (Our father, Say 7 Hail Mary’s, One Glory be)

2– Second Sorrow- The flight into Egypt. (Matthew 2: 13-15)
 (Our father, Say 7 Hail Mary’s, One Glory be)

3- Third Sorrow- The Child Jesus Lost in the Temple. (Luke 2: 41-50)
 (Our father, Say 7 Hail Mary’s, One Glory be)

4- Fourth Sorrow- Mary meets Jesus carrying the cross. (Luke 23: 27-29)
 (Our father, Say 7 Hail Mary’s, One Glory be)

5- Fifth Sorrow- Mary at the foot of the cross. ( John 19: 25-30)
 (Our father, Say 7 Hail Mary’s, One Glory be)

6- Sixth Sorrow- Mary receives the body of Jesus.
 (Our father, Say 7 Hail Mary’s, One Glory be)

7-Seventh Sorrow- Mary witnesses the burial of Jesus. (Luke 23: 50-56)
 (Our father, Say 7 Hail Mary’s, One Glory be)

One Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be, for the intentions of the Pope. 

Final Prayer
Lord Jesus, we now implore, both for the present and for the hour of our death,the intercession of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Your Mother, whose holy soul was pierced at the time of your Passion by a sword of grief. Grant us this favor, O Savior of the world, Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

According to St. Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373), seven promises were made to those who medidate on Our Lady’s Tears and Dolors. The Blessed Virgin grants seven graces to the souls who honour her daily by saying seven Hail Marys while meditating on her tears and dolors. These are:

1. “I will grant peace to their families.”

2. “They will be enlightened about the Divine Mysteries.”

3. “I will console them in their pains and I will accompany them in their work.”

4. “I will give them as much as they ask for as long as it does not oppose the adorable will of my Divine Son or the sanctification of their souls.”

5. “I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.”

6. “I will visibly help them at the moment of their death – they will see the face of their mother.”

7. “I have obtained this grace from my Divine Son, that those who propagate this devotion to my tears and dolors will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness, since all their sins will be forgiven and my Son will be their eternal consolation and joy.”


Benedict XIII., September 26th, 1724, granted an indulgence of two hundred days for every Our Father and every Hail Mary to those who, with sincere contrition, and having confessed, or firmly purposing to confess their sins, shall recite this Chaplet on any Friday, or on any day of Lent, on the Festival of the Seven Dolors, or within the Octave; and one hundred days on any other day of the year.

Clement XII., December 12, 1734, confirmed these indulgences, and moreover granted: